
SIENA is a UNESCO world Heritage site Siena is potentially influenced from the past period of the Medieval era. Siena had a strong Rivalry with florence and even with Florence strong influence Siena over the centuries has maintained its Gothic appearenace which was developed over the 12th to the 15th Centuries. During this time Duccio and also the Lorenzetti Brothers where strong influences the new Italian art and also European Art.

The actual Town of Siena is built around the Piazza Del Campo which emerges into the surrounding landscape. Siena offers many attractions from the palio (horse racing ) the Civic Museum and Duomo of Siena and the Loggia Della Merchants a meeting place where merchants would meet to buy and sell , and the palazzo Tantucci and palazzo Spannacchi and also the Fonte Gaio the fountain of Joy , are just a few of the attraction that can be visited in Siena . Entering into Siena with its surrounding walls ( that where the fortress to protect city in the  past offers you a view of one of the most influencial  of Medieval Towns in Tuscany.

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