
About Verona , Verona is in the Veneto Region of Italy the Nothern part of Italy , the city was founded 1century BC small tribes that then where under the  Roman Empire . then  in later years the city grew in wealth especially during the ruler ship of the Scaliger Family from the 13th and 14th Century. and then Verona from the 15th through to the 18th Century was part of the Republic of Venice , Geographically Verona lays at the foot of Mount Lessini right on the River Adige as mentioned was founded by ancient tribes and was a Roman Colony. During the many Centuries it was occupied by the Ostrogoth  and Theodor the 1st and also then by the lombards. Verona from the 12th Century a change arrived as Verona became and independent council ( also the poet and writer La Divina Commedia  Dante ( he was exiled was protected by Cangrande ).who conquered Verona he protected Dante. Verona Main attractions are the Arena of Verona (Roman theatre)  Piazza delle Erbe, the Basilica of San Zeno, Castelvecchio, Torre dei Lamberti , Juliette balcony.  UNESCO world heritage site.

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