Monte Cassino
Monte Cassino situated on the hills south east of Rome and west of the city of Cassino.Monte Cassino is more notably known for the Abbey the Monastery of the Benedictine Monks which was built around the year 579.Monte Cassino and the Abbey of Monte Cassino which is located on top of a hill which has always been the center of attention in the historyof the Abbey of Monte Cassino which has a long and interesting story , The Abbey itself has been destroyed more than 5 times , 3 times at the hands of human hand and two natural disasters Monte Cassino Abbey in the last one thousand years has been destroyed firstly in the year 577AD to 589 due to the reign Longobardi , then the second destruction of the Abbey came in 883AD due to the invasion of the Saracens. The site was sacked by the napoleon troops in 1799
Then we have The third and fourth Destruction of the Abbey of Montecassino which came in the year 1349AD due to the strong earthquake and the 16th Century earthquake and the last and last Destruction of the Abbey of Monte Cassino and which signifies the most importance for world history
was the Battle of Monte Cassino in 1944 which was nearly and totally destroyed by allied bombings from the month of February due to these heaving Bombings which was nessacry to destroy the German forces that occupied that area , there were many causalities and deaths and is now a resting place for many soldiers on both side that fought a war that destroyed many places and in which included also Monte Cassino/Abbey.
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